Pulmonary tuberculosis detection rate and related factors among patients attending Sakaeo Crown Prince Hospital
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Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis is a contagious respiratory disease that is a problem for the public health system in Thailand. The World Health Organization has classified Thailand as one of the countries in the world with a high burden of tuberculosis. The incidence of new and recurrent tuberculosis patients is found every year. which pulmonary tuberculosis is a major cause of illness and death
Objective: To study a pulmonary tuberculosis detection rate and related factors among patients attending Sakaeo Crown Prince Hospital
Methods: A retrospective study collected data from patients' medical records at Sakaeo Crown Prince Hospital, Sa Kaeo Province, between October 2021 and August 2023. Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 22.0 computer program.
Results: Of these 475 patients, 75.6% were male, 97.9% were Thai, age was 51.92±15.38 years, body mass index was 19.97±3.69, 69.1% were employed, 57.5% had a congenital disease at risk for tuberculosis. Most had diabetes (62.6%), followed by emphysema (46.9%), and a history of contact with tuberculosis patients (7.6%). The pulmonary tuberculosis detection rate was 29.3%. The factor related to pulmonary tuberculosis was diabetes (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The pulmonary tuberculosis detection rate among patients attending Sakaeo Crown Prince Hospital is low. Diabetes is a factor associated with pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, there should be annual screening for tuberculosis in people with diabetes. To prevent and control pulmonary tuberculosis.
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