Reference Values of median and ulnar Nerve Conduction Study in adults at Chonburi hospital
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Objects : To study the normal electrophysiological values of the median and ulnar nerve in normal healthy adult subjects for using as a standard value in electrodiagnostic laboratory,Chonburi Hospital
Design : Descriptive cross-sectional study
Method : Nerve conduction study was performed on median and ulnar nerve of 40 healthy adult subjects using standard techniques
Result : There were 40 subjects (16 males and 24 females) in the study. The mean age of subjects was 33.45 year. The median sensory nerve showed a mean (± SD) peak latency 3.29±0.39 ms and amplitude 51.25±10.57 mv. The median motor nerve showed a mean (± SD) onset latency 3.3±0.46 ms, amplitude 9.46±1.85 mv and nerve conduction velocity 59.83±3.96 m/sec. The ulnar sensory nerve showed a mean (± SD) peak latency 2.95±0.29 ms and amplitude 47.36±13.51 mv. The ulnar motor nerve showed a mean (± SD) onset latency 2.68±0.33 ms, amplitude 9.55±1.71mv and nerve conduction velocity 65.74±5.05 m/s There was no significant difference in median and ulnar nerve conduction study between right and left hand
Conclusion : This study established the normative conduction parameters of median and ulnar nerve using as a standard value in electrodiagnostic laboratory,Chonburi Hospital
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