Journal Information
Journal Title: | Chulalongkorn Medical Journal |
Journal Abbreviation: | Chula Med J |
Acronym: | CLMJ |
Publication Date: | Vol. 1, no. 1 (1954) - Present |
Frequency: | Quarterly |
Publisher : | Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University |
Language : | English |
ISSN: | 2651-2343 (Print) |
eISSN: | 2673-060X (Online) |
DOI Prefix: | 10.14456/clmj |
Current Format Status: | Print / Electronic |
Broad Subject Term(s): | Medicine |
Open Access: | CC-BY-NC-ND (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) |
Electronic Links: | http://clmjournal.org |
Aims and Scope
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal is an international peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to disseminating accurate, reliable, and novel findings in biomedical sciences, clinical medicine, and related disciplines that are of topical interest to the medical profession.
The journal is supported by the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, who covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors on acceptance of their article.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal aims to provide an international forum for encouraging interdisciplinary discussions and contributing to the betterment of medicine, fostering readers and authors by accelerating the dissemination of scientific content and offering ultimate access to scholarly communication. Topics of interest, but are not limited to, the following areas of medicine and health science:
- Biomedical Science
Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Medicine, Neurosciences, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology
- Clinical Medicine
Internal Medicine, Surgery, Radiology, Psychology, Rehabilitation, Forensic Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Nutrition, and medical topics related to Clinical Sciences
- Nursing
Community Nursing, Patient-Centered Care, Healthcare Policy, Palliative Care, Healthcare Management, Pediatrics Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, and Specialist Nursing
- Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Preventive Healthcare, Environmental Health, Mental Illness Prevention, Health Behavior, Preventive and Social Medicine, Health Care Management; Public Health Policy, Community and Global Health, Health Services Research, and Health Promotion
- Other Allied Health Professions
Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Social Work: Physical Therapy, Dietetics, Health Education, Radiological Technology, and other topics related to Allied Health Sciences.
Type of Peer Review
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal operates a double-blind peer-review system. Both the authors and reviewers keep their anonymity.
Type of Published Articles
Medical and scholarly journals exert a central role in sharing scientific knowledge, providing a range of article types to accommodate diverse aspects of research and scholarship. While the principal interest of the Chulalongkorn Medical Journal concentrates on original research articles, the journal also warmly welcomes review articles, case reports, short communications, and letters to the editors.
- Original articles
Original articles are full-length reports of current research, which represent novel and substantial contributions to the field. These may include experiments, clinical trials, or observational studies. An original article presents a comprehensive research endeavor undertaken by the authors themselves. It explores in-dept a particular research question or hypothesis, frequently involving the gathering, analyzing, and interpretation of data. The main text comprises an introduction ending the section with the aim of the study, materials and method, results, discussion, and conclusions. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 5,000 words.
- Review Articles
Review Articles provide a comprehensive summary of existing research and knowledge on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. They synthesize and analyze the existing literatures to provide a broad and authoritative summary. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 8,000 words.
- Case Reports
Case Reports highlight unique cases of patients that present with an unexpected/ diagnosis, treatment outcome, or clinical course. Case reports describe individual patient cases, often with unique or unusual clinical findings. They can be used to document rare diseases, unexpected outcomes, or novel treatment approaches. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 2,500 words.
- Short Communications
Short communications are brief research articles that present concise findings or preliminary data. These articles highlight potentially groundbreaking developments in research. They are exceptionally suited for representing initial findings, innovative methodologies, or novel tool advancements. While concise, short communications must ensure sufficient context, methods, and outcome to enable readers to understand the significance of the work. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 2,500 words.
- Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editors are short articles that comment on or provide additional information regarding a recently published article. Letters are a way for researchers to engage in a scientific conversation and discuss the implications of published work. Despite their brevity, letters to the editor should uphold academic integrity and contribute to the dynamic. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 1,000 words.
Publication Frequency
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal is published quarterly (6 issues per year).
No.1 January - February
No. 2 March - April
No. 3 May - June
No. 4 July - August
No. 5 September - October
No. 6 November - December
Each issue typically comprises around 8-10 articles, resulting in an annual total of 48-60 articles.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal publishes in the English language. Authors are strongly encouraged to use clear, concise language, and to adhere to proper grammar and spelling conventions.
Publication Charges
There are no submission fees. Accepted articles will be published with no article processing charge (APC). All articles published in our journal are fully open access and are freely and permanently available to all readers via the journal website, without subscription charges or registration barriers.
Publication Malpractice Statement
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal adheres to principles of research integrity and aim to avoid any type of scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, or authorship problems. All submitted manuscripts are checked for potential plagiarism of all types. In resolving any potential scientific misconduct, Chulalongkorn Medical Journal follows international standards, guidelines, and flowcharts provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (available at: http://publicationethics.org/resources), the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (http://www.wame.org/about/recommendations-on-publicationethics-policie), and the Council of Science Editors (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/resource-library/editorialpolicies/).
We follow the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (a joint statement by COPE, the Directory of Open Access Journals [DOAJ], WAME, and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association [OASPA]; https://doaj.org/bestpractice).
Open Access Policy
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal aims to promote open access to scientific research and to make research accessible, unrestricted, to a broader audience. Chulalongkorn Medical Journal complies with the DOAJ newly updated policy on content licensing found at https://doaj.org/rights. Chulalongkorn Medical Journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Authors who publish with Chulalongkorn Medical Journal retain all copyrights and agree to the terms of the above-mentioned CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license found at (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Ownership and Management
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal is an official journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. The Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University fully supports the journal in financial, operational, and management matters as well as proctors Chulalongkorn Medical Journal to preserve its high publication standards, rigorous peer-review process, and open-access availability to researchers, scientists, and academics around the world.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal is published by the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
Copyright and Licensing
All manuscripts submitted for publication must be assigned copyright to Chulalongkorn Medical Journal. Reproduction, whether in whole or in part, requires written approval from Chulalongkorn Medical Journal. The author is responsible for the content of their articles, except for errors incurred during the printing process. All articles published in the Chulalongkorn Medical Journal are under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-NC-ND) license, which permits others to distribute the work, provided that the article is not altered or used commercially. It is not required to obtain permission to distribute the article but to provide credit for the author and journal.
Revenue Sources
The overall publication process of Chulalongkorn Medical Journal operates with no publication fee. The foundation of our revenue exists in the unwavering support extended by the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. This support is the keystone of our operations and fosters an environment that motivates scholars and researchers to share their worthwhile contributions through our platform.
Advertising and Direct Marketing
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal neither engages in commercial advertising nor participates in direct marketing of any kind. Chulalongkorn Medical Journal will not publish advertorial content.
Journal History
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal has been a nationally and internationally distributed journal with a long history of landmark articles since 1954.
The title of the journal ‘Chulalongkorn’ is very well known both in Thailand and in the global community as it is named of the best and the first university in Thailand. It is named after the King Rama V or King Chulalongkorn (1853-1910), the great beloved King, who was best known for abolition of Siamese slavery. Chulalongkorn Medical Journal has published over 60 issues successively for the last six decades.