Factors influencing edentulous patient decision-making while choosing dental implant


  • Arnun Jukisalapong Fort Khun Chueang Thammikkarat Hospital and School of Dentistry, University of Phayao, Thailand


Decision making, dental implant, edentulous, healthcare, marketing mix


Background: Edentulous patients suffer from the loss of natural teeth that results in chewing efficiency compromise. In addition, alveolar bone loss will occur in external width and height, these situations will decrease the quality of patient’s life. Accordingly, the patient should wear a proper prosthesis that replaces the lost natural tooth. Nowadays, dental implant is the gold standard in tooth replacement.

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing edentulous patient decision-making while choosing dental implants to replace the lost natural teeth by using the marketing mix theory and healthcare consumer behavior to assess the patient decision-making.

Methods: In this prospective study, 2 questionnaires were administered to 220 edentulous patients (159 male and 61 female patients) who were evaluated after undergoing oral examination. The researcher used the marketing mix theory and healthcare consumer behavior to understand the relationship of individual, marketing mix that influenced the patient’s decision.

Results: The questionnaires were collected within a month of an oral examination. The individual factor scores were high and different with no statistical significance. The marketing mix factor found that the overall level was highly significant. The prediction of patient’s decision-making shows that individual factor can predict the decision-making 3.1% and the marketing mix factor can predict the decision about 16.1%.

Conclusion: Patients with edentulous ridge had a high decision-making level for choosing dental implants to replace the lost teeth when considering the marketing mix theory. Consequently, providing the individual factor and marketing mix factor of dental implants can influent edentulous patient decision-making while choosing dental implants.


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How to Cite

Jukisalapong A. Factors influencing edentulous patient decision-making while choosing dental implant. Chula Med J [internet]. 2023 Oct. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];66(3). available from: https://he05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CMJ/article/view/1061