Knowledge, attitude and sexual behavior of secondaryschool students at a school, Nongkhai, Thailand
Secondary-school students, Sexual behavior, AttitudeAbstract
Objective : To study knowledge, attitude and sexual behavior of secondary-school students at a school in Nongkhai, Thailand
Method : This is a cross-sectional study. The populations under study are secondary-school students เท grades Matayom (grades) 1-6, at a school, Nongkhai, in the Academic year 2549 B.E. (A.D.2006). The sample group is chosen by simple sampling method. There are 288 students who participated in this analysis by responding to the questionnaire personally handed out by the teachers. The questionnaire is made up to assess the prior sex education, the subject may have had through the inclusions in regular curriculums (Mataym 1-6), to assess the subjects' attitude, and to find out their sexual practices.
Result : In general, the students had good knowledge, understanding and right attitude concerning sexuality, However, they still needed more information regarding pregnancy, birth control, and abortion. There is not much difference percentage-wise in their knowledge about sexuality between those who already had experienced sexual intercourses and those who had not. The former was 72.3 whereas the latter, 74.2. Statistically, they did not make appreciably significant difference. The average scores pertaining to attitude towards sexuality of the group can be solidified as follows: 3.0 for those who have had sexual intercourses before and 3.0 for those who had not had it. Statistically tested, the difference is appreciably significant.
Out of 16 of the sample group members, 10 females and six males have had sexual intercourses. The number can be translated into 5.5 %. The youngest age at which they experienced sexual intercourse is 12 years. 25 % of the sample group members practiced same-sex copulation. It is found that one out of these ten females had become pregnant; one out of these six males used to impregnate female partners. 81 % of there first-time sexual intercourses took place between consenting partners; 75 % between lovers. Youngsters were indulged in first-time sexual intercourses for various reasons, e.g. out of curiosity, to satisfy sexual desire. During sexual intercourses, 50 % used contraception and condoms were widely used. 31.3% of the sample group members did not seek contraception for reason of infertile period. Although there is only one subject who had had initial sexual intercourse at a very early age, the practice was utterly unsafe as it had no form of contraception or any protection against sexually transmitted disease.
Conclusion : Based on this study and looking at the overall picture, students possess good knowledge, understanding and right attitude concerning sexuality, but, for the lack of these qualities in certain areas, they need extra sex education to fit the circumstances.
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