Effect of a family member support program on exercise behavior among family members with hypertensive patients
Family members support program, exercise, family members, hypertensive patientsAbstract
Background: Hypertension is a silent danger causing the increases of treatment costs and expenses at the family, community and national levels. Changing the habit of exercise of family members and promoting of family participation can help reduce mortality rates from hypertension. Therefore, support for exercise in families with hypertensive patients is a challenging issue that should be promoted.
Objectives: To compare the mean scores for exercise behaviors among family members between the control and experimental groups after the family member support for exercise program.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design was developed by using Caplan’s Social Support Concept as the conceptual framework. Ninety-four family members were voluntarily recruited and randomly allocated to two groups: family member support program group (n = 47), and control group (n = 47). The program was administered one or twice a day for eight weeks. The intervention group was given assessment support, information support, instrument support and emotional support. Exercise behaviors of family members was measured before and after program.
Results: After the experiment, the mean posttest scores of exercise behavior of family members of hypertensive patients in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P < 0.05). The family members in the experimental group exercised more than before the program, while the family members in the control group had the same exercising behaviors as before.
Conclusion: The program was able to change the exercise behavior of family members. The program might efficiently help family members have good health, help families perform activities together and create happiness in families.
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