Factors related to the physical activity of patients with permanent cardiac pacemaker


  • Priyaporn Phruksahiran Coronary Care Unit 1, Phramongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Noraluk Ua-Kit Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Permanent cardiac pacemaker, physical activity, related factors


Background: Over 1.3 million patients worldwide have permanent cardiac pacemakers (PPMs). In the first to third months after implantation, patients with PPM still report problems with physical activity (PA), such as limitations in their lives, jobs, and exercise; inability to perform activities as before; and decreased PA.

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the PA of patients with PPMs and identify PA-related factors (age, perceived self-efficacy, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, social support, and health literacy) in patients with PPMs.

Methods: This descriptive correlational study included 110 male and female patients with PPMs from three tertiary hospitals in Bangkok, Thailand, and was conducted using a multistage sampling technique. Data analyses involved descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product–moment correlation, and Spearman’s rank-order correlation.

Results: The average PA score of patients with PPMs was 6.8 (SD = 2.3). Perceived self-efficacy (r = 0.448, P = 0.01), perceived benefit (Spearman’s rho = 0.339, P = 0.01), social support (Spearman’s rho = 0.217, P = 0.05), and health literacy (Spearman’s rho = 0.459, P = 0.01) positively related to the PA of patients with PPMs. Age and perceived barriers negatively related to the PA of patients with PPMs (Spearman’s rho = - 0.467 and - 0.312, P = 0.01).

Conclusion: Nurses should encourage patients with PPMs to achieve better-perceived self-efficacy, perceived benefits, social support, and health literacy to increase their PA. Older patients with PPMs and those with negatively perceived barriers should be motivated to increase their PA levels.


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How to Cite

Phruksahiran P, Ua-Kit N. Factors related to the physical activity of patients with permanent cardiac pacemaker. Chula Med J [internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];68(3). available from: https://he05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CMJ/article/view/3171