Evaluating the relationship between empathy and motivation for medical education in medical student at the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital


  • Benjamart Pratoomthai Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Thirawass Phumyoo Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Bongkoch Turathum Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Waranya Imprasittichai Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Gun Anantasomboon Faculty of Science, Rangsit University
  • Kanokporn Chayaburakul Faculty of Science, Rangsit University


Empathy, motivation for medical education, medical student, Vajira Hospital


Background : Empathy is considered as a crucial part of a doctor’s profession that should be mastered by medical graduates. Recently, however, many studies reported the medical students’ empathy declines during their time at medical school. Thus, the development of empathy in the period of formal education is essential. The involvement of factor such as motivation for medical education might play a role in the development of empathy.

Objective : To evaluate the relationship between empathy and motivation for medical education among medical students.

Methods : This descriptive prospective study was conducted regarding first to fifth year medical students of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Thailand (n = 215). We used the Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Student Version to measure empathy and the Strength of Motivation for Medical School (SMMS) questionnaire to determine students’ motivation for medical education. The data were statistically analyzed by SPSS program.

Results : The results showed that the empathy score was positively correlated to motivation for medical education score (r = 0.226, P = 0.001). Mean scores of empathy and SMMS were 102 gif.latex?\pm 12.34 (maximum = 140) and 51.85 gif.latex?\pm 7.76 (maximum = 75), respectively. SMMS score detected significant difference between first and third year medical student (P < 0.05). However, educational level, GPA, and gender were not found related to the two concepts.

Conclusion : Our study provides an empirical evidence to support the contention that level of empathy is positively-related to motivation for medical education in medical student.


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How to Cite

Pratoomthai B, Phumyoo T, Turathum B, Imprasittichai W, Anantasomboon G, Chayaburakul K. Evaluating the relationship between empathy and motivation for medical education in medical student at the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital. Chula Med J [internet]. 2023 Aug. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];62(3). available from: https://he05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CMJ/article/view/344