Relation between emotional quotient and family communication patterns with Attention deficit/Hyperactivity at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.
Emotional quotient, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder, family communication patternsAbstract
Background : The studies of the relation between emotional quotient and family communication patterns were mostly performed in normal children. Emotional quotient is essential that it can make children have self-satisfaction, self-control and ready to improve themselves.
Objective : To explore emotional quotient and patterns of family communication and the relation between emotional quotient and family communication patterns in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) children.
Methods : The data were collected from November 2015 to January 2016 from 106 parents of ADHD children in attending the Child Psychiatric Unit of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Parents completed three questionnaires concerning data, family communication patterns by Parichart Tarapattaporn’s concept of Kanter and Lehr and emotional quotient by Thai Emotional quotient for ages 6 - 11 from the Department of Mental Health. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.
Results : 57.5% of ADHD children have normal level of virtue 66.0% of ADHD children have normal level of competence; 49.1% of ADHD children have normal level of happiness; 70.8% of ADHD children have closed family communication patterns. Related factors that are statistically significant to emotional quotient included parental age and occupation as well as school-record of the ADHD child. There is a positive correlation between open family communication patterns (P <0.01). This study found that parental age, occupation, and school-record and family communication patterns in which open family communication could predict better emotional quotient.
Conclusion : ADHD children have normal level of 3 main structures featuring the emotional intelligence were virtue, competence and happiness. Related factors with emotional quotient included parental age, occupation, school-record of ADHD children and open family communication patterns.
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