Millennial employees’ work-life balance and associated factors.


  • J. Ratanachina
  • T. Rattananupong
  • P. Sithisarankul


Work-life balance, Millennial generation


Background : In the recent decade, millennial generations, born during 1981 to 2000, have been apparently increasing in many workplaces. In addition, work-life balance is globally considered by the millennial. Work-life balance definitely involves in both working conditions and individual’s health and wellbeing.

Objective : This study aimed to evaluate work-life balance level and illustrate relationships between work-life balance and its related characteristics among millennial employees.

Design : A cross-sectional study.

Setting : The energy company consists of sections in 21 provinces in Thailand.

Materials and Methods : Data were collected among all 1,951 millennial workers without sampling at the studied company by self-administered questionnaires composed of 2 parts; Individual information and work-life balance questionnaire. Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple linear regression were utilized to factors related to work-life balance.

Results : The mean of work-life balance percentage was 60.98 (SD = 16.0). Factors, which were significantly related to improved work-life balance were exercise activity, sleep status, and job satisfactions; leisure and cooperation. In contrast, factors, which were significantly related to decrease work-life balance, consisted of smoking, working hours and job tenure.

Conclusions : The finding indicates the relationship between work-life balance and associated factors, which can be implied to both educational purposes and work-life balance policies for the millennial workers.


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How to Cite

Ratanachina J, Rattananupong T, Sithisarankul P. Millennial employees’ work-life balance and associated factors. Chula Med J [internet]. 2023 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 2];60(5). available from: