About the Journal

Journal Description

Thai Science, Technology and Health Review (e-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an electronic open-access journal published twice a year in Thai and English by the Association of Legal & Political Studies (Thailand) and White Tiger Legal Business and Research Consultants Co., Ltd. (Thailand) in cooperation with Souphanouvong University (Lao PDR.) and Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Kalasin University (Thailand). The aim of TSTHR is to provide a platform for disseminating strong, current, and interdisciplinary academic proposals and research findings on science, technology, and health in Thailand, including comparisons between the country and other countries. TSTHR accepts both research and review articles and has an open review format by at least 3 experts before publication.



Thai Science, Technology and Health Review (TSTHR) is a journal within the "Science and Technology" group that aims to publish significant research works in various fields of science, technology, and health, which include but are not limited to the following:

1) Science, such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Geology.

2) Technology, such as Information Technology, Engineering, Biotechnology, and Energy Technology.

3) Health, such as Public Health, Medicine, Psychology, and Nutrition.

Our journal welcomes articles from researchers, scholars, and interested individuals in the aforementioned fields to collectively create new knowledge and advance science, technology, and health in both Thai society and the international community.


Article Types

Thai Science, Technology and Health Review (TSTHR) accepts 2 types of articles to be considered for publication: research articles and review articles.


Publication Frequency

There are 2 volumes each year, and each volume will be published every 6 months, namely:

• 1st Volume, from January-June

• 2nd Volume, from July-December


Peer Review Process

All papers included in this journal were open peer-reviewed by at least three suitably qualified experts. All publication decisions are made by the editors on the basis of the reviews provided.



Thai and English



Thai Science, Technology and Health Review (TSTHR) is a fully open-access publication: in accordance with this definition, all copyright holders of the scholarly works published in TSTHR grant usage rights to others using an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) open license allowing for immediate free access to the work and permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. Users of TSTHR content must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the work, and indicate if changes were made.


Journal History






The first issue was published under the name “Thai Science, Technology and Health Review” and e-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx with the DOI: 10.14456/tsthr.Year of Publication.Article No. by the Association of Legal & Political Studies (Thailand) and White Tiger Legal Business and Research Consultants Co., Ltd. (Thailand) in cooperation with Souphanouvong University (Lao PDR.) and Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Kalasin University (Thailand). Using the Open Peer Review format for screening articles by 3 experts.

Indexed in Google Scholar.


Ownership and Management

Thai Science, Technology and Health Review (TSTHR) is owned by the Association of Legal & Political Studies (Thailand) and White Tiger Legal Business and Research Consultants Co., Ltd. (Thailand). It is published under the academic cooperation of both institutions with Souphanouvong University (Lao PDR.) and the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Kalasin University (Thailand). ALPS is primarily responsible for academic operations, while the WTLBRC is primarily responsible for management and finances. SU and KSU have the main duties of supporting academic operations, such as serving as editors/reviewers and providing suggestions to improve the quality of the journal.


Revenue Sources, Advertising, and Direct Marketing Policy

Thai Science, Technology and Health Review (TSTHR) operates without funding from any government or private sector. Association of Legal & Political Studies and White Tiger Legal Business and Research Consultants Co., Ltd. shared all costs of publishing the journal until it was able to earn enough money from article processing charges to cover expenses. This means that TSTHR's current source of revenue is primarily the fees it collects from authors who submit their articles.

TSTHR maintains a policy of not accepting advertisements from any external entities.

In promoting the journal and publications to the public, TSTHR attempts to avoid actions detrimental to other parties (e.g., spreading spam) and to avoid misleading information between prospective authors and publishers.