The Development of a Social Care Network for People with Disabilities to Advocate Primary Health Care in Buddhasothorn Hospital
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A social worker plays a role as a social care provider related to social, psychological, and environmental problems among patients and families to provide health services, covering all aspects including physical, mental, social, and spiritual through cooperative work with the public health service team. This requires social work knowledge and skills to work directly with service users, including social therapy, rehabilitation, the development of social skills, management, monitoring, prevention, and social problem-solving at the individual, group, family, and community levels. Therefore, patients can access health services and achieve a better quality of life.
1. To examine the digital platform telecare in social care for people with disabilities.
2. To develop a social care network for people with disabilities in the area.
The sample group consisted of 106 patients with disabilities who were sent to receive social work group services. Data collection was conducted through interviews, home visits, and instrument assessment, including the Social Diagnosis and Management Assessment (S.D.M.A.) and the Family Readiness Assessment (Family Assessment : F.A.).
Based on the data analysis on problems or needs, it was found that 69.81% had problems in providing care to patients, such as patients or relatives lacking knowledge and understanding about the disease and proper care, followed by the burden of taking care of patients or patients with disabilities, such as having elderly family members who need care, causing mental health problems and the third problem was finance.
The volunteer network in the community is a key factor in long-term care for people with disabilities and a network for surveillance and screening of problems at the primary level. However, there is still a limited number compared to the number of people with disabilities in the area at present. Therefore, finding more volunteers and enhancing their care skills for people with disabilities are required by the local community.
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