Nursing care for schizophrenia patient at home: Case study
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Introduction: Schizophrenia is a serious illness that affects the body, mind, and society, such as neglecting oneself,poor hygiene,poor relationships with others, living alone, helplessness, lacking enthusiasm, sluggishness, less communication, and stigma. The relapse of the disease is common. The family and community are usually worried, and fearful, and may reject the patients. These factors lead to housing problems, economic problems, and poor compliance. Therefore, community nurses play an important role in providing knowledge and promoting health care to patients, families, and communities to achieve appropriate acceptance and care for patients, improve the quality of life, and reduce disease recurrence.
Objective: This study aims to provide continuous nursing care for schizophrenia in the communities, assess the readiness of the family and community, and prevent complications and recurrence.
Method: A case study of nursing care for patients with schizophrenia at home quantity: 1 person Between 18 April 2023 and 16 November 2023, a total of 213 days, where community nurses can use this knowledge to appropriately care for the patients in the community individually. The instrument for following patients used the concept of the INHOMESSS guideline. The data were collected from medical records, family interviews, and community leader interviews. Family nurses followed the patient at home, coordinated in the community,and educated the family and community regarding attitude adjustment, and community care methods such as transportation service by community leaders for continuous hospital visits.
Results: The study found that the family and the community understood the causes, signs, and symptoms of the disease. They provided good care, accepted, had a good attitude, acknowledged the patient’s values allowed to live in the community, and helped the patient to receive continuous treatment. The patient was improved, had no relapses, felt valuable, was accepted from family and community, had occupation and income, and received more appropriate care from family and community. The community leaders transported the patient for continuous treatment. The recurrence and hospitalization were finally reduced.
Conclusions: The schizophrenia patient was followed and received nursing care in the community continuously. The family and community successfully accepted and looked after the patient to prevent complications or relapses and readmission.
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