Evaluation of Hepatitis C virus Infection Analysis in Buddhasothorn hospital by Anti-HCV, HCV Duo with HCV RNA
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Background: Hepatitis C infection is an important public health problem. Quick diagnosis and cheap price is necessary. The purpose of this study was to evaluate of Hepatitis C diagnostic test results with rapid test, HCV Duo and HCV RNA Viral Load. Aim to use HCV core antigen as an alternative to HCV RNA Viral Load for diagnosis new infections in Buddhasothorn hospital.
Materials and Methods: The samples in this study from patients at Buddhasothorn hospital. 195 cases gave positive result by screened with anti-HCV BiolineTM HCV. All sample were test with Elecsys® HCV Duo, to test anti-HCV and HCV core antigen on the Cobas e801. The result from Elecsys® HCV Duo were compared with HCV RNA by using Xpert® HCV Viral Load reagent on the Cepheid GeneXpert machine.
Results: comparing the results of the HCV core antigen with the HCV RNA Viral Load, it was found Sensitivity 73.74%, specificity 91.67%, positive predictive value 90.12% and negative predictive value 77.19%. The Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics (AUROC) showed that test performance between the HCV core antigen and HCV RNA it shown 0.84
Conclusions: HCV core antigen showed good accuracy and precision relate to HCV Viral Load. Therefore, HCV core antigen is a valid and reliable method for confirmation of hepatitis C virus for new infections, by confirm with HCV RNA Viral Load only in case of HCV Duo gave positive for anti-HCV but negative for HCV core antigen or high-risk group of patients. This could reduce the cost of HCV RNA Viral Load up to 40% and helps patients get treatment quickly. To help the Department of Disease Control achieve objectives for Hepatitis C elimination by 2030.
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