The effect of abdominal muscles strengthening exercise on lumbar lordosis changing in chronic non-specific low back pain
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Background: Low back pain is a common condition within the musculoskeletal system, especially chronic non-specific low back pain. This often occurs due to improper posture such as excessive lumbar lordosis. It is believed that may result from weakness in the trunk muscles, especially the abdominal muscles.
Methods: This objective to study the effect of abdominal muscles strengthening exercise on lumbar lordosis changing in chronic non-specific low back pain. The study was conducted on patients with chronic non-specific low back pain who received physical therapy at Buddhasothorn hospital, Chachoengsao province, between February and March 2024. The study involved 30 participants with an average age of 35.20 ± 9.70 years. The study aimed to compare the differences of lumbar lordosis between before and after performing an abdominal muscles strengthening exercises. The lumbar spine curvature was measured using a flexible ruler, and the abdominal muscles strengthening was assessed using the Sahrmann five-level core stability test. This follow-up study lasted for 6 weeks, comparing the mean differences of the sample group using the Paired t-test.
Results: The participants have an increase of abdominal muscles strengthening by one level in 28 participants, while there was no change observed in 2 participants. The level of abdominal muscles strengthening after exercise in the 6th week was significantly higher than before starting exercise, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the participants also have a decrease of lumbar lordosis in 28 participants, while there were no changes observed in 2 participants. The lumbar lordosis after exercise in the 6th week was significantly lower than before starting exercise, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). When considering the trend of the relationship between the effect of abdominal muscles strengthening exercise on lumbar lordosis changing in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain, it was found that an increase of abdominal muscles strengthening was significantly correlated with a decrease of lumbar lordosis
Conclusion: Abdominal muscles strengthening exercise effectively decreases the lumbar lordosis in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain.
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