Factor Associated with Medication Adherence in Patients with Non–Communicable Diseases in Tha Rae Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital, Sakon Nakhon


  • Wilasinee Thanakornjuk Social Medicine Group, Sakon Nakhon Hospital


Non–Communicable Diseases, Factor associated with Medication Adherence


Non–communicable diseases are the global health problems and the most common cause of death and complications. Therefore, the appropriate medication adherence in patient is important to reduce the severity and complications. The purpose of this descriptive cross–sectional study was to identify the factors associated with medical adherence in outpatients with Non–Communicable Diseases in Tha Rae subdistrict health promotion hospital, Sakon Nakhon. The samples were selected from 295 participants with non–communicable diseases at least one of the followings, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and chronic kidney disease stage 3. Data were collected using the questionnaires for demographic data and assessed medication adherence from June to August, 2023. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive and binary logistic regression statistics.

The study revealed that the mean age of samples was 59.35 gif.latex?\pm 8.50 years. Most of them were female (69.8%). The good medical adherence rate was 60.7%. The occupation factor was significantly associated with medication adherence in patients with non–communicable diseases (AOR = 0.574, 95%CI 0.342–0.965, p–value = 0.036). Therefore, the occupation of patient with non–communicable disease should be taken into account to improve the medical adherence. The drug usage advice should be tailored to each patient for correct and appropriate self–care behaviors.

Author Biography

Wilasinee Thanakornjuk, Social Medicine Group, Sakon Nakhon Hospital

Medical Doctor (Professional Level), Social Medicine Group, Sakon Nakhon Hospital


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How to Cite

Thanakornjuk W. Factor Associated with Medication Adherence in Patients with Non–Communicable Diseases in Tha Rae Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital, Sakon Nakhon. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Jan. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];26(3):1-13. available from: https://he05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSakonNakHosp/article/view/1216