Influencing Factors in High–Performance Organizations Perceived by Executive Nurses at General Hospitals in Health Region 8


  • Parinda Traiyawong Neonatal intensive care unit, Nong Khai Hospital
  • Sompratthana Dapha Dapha Corresponding author, Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University


High–performance organization, Transformational leadership, Adaptive organizational, culture and participation


This descriptive research aimed to study the factors that influence the driving of high–performance organization as perceived by the executive nurses at general hospital in health region 8. The sample group consisted of 110 professional nurse, supervisors and assistant head nurses from multistage random sampling. The research tool was questionnaire, which was divided into 3 parts, consisting of 1) Demographic data 2) Environmental in workplace factor and 3) High–performance organization factors. The content validity was checked by 5 experts and the reliability determined by the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient method were 0.96, 0.91, 0.81 and 0.97, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The inferential statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data.

The results of the research found that 1) the driving of high–performance organization as perceived by the executive nurses at general hospital in health region 8 overall was in a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.02, S.D. = 0.51) 2) the education level had a low positive relationship with the driving of high–performance organization (r = 0.17, p < 0.037) 3) the environmental factors, working in transformational leadership, adaptive organizational culture and participation aspects showed a high positive relationship with the driving of high performance organization (r = 0.79 (p < 0.001), r = 0.79 (p < 0.001) and r = 0.74 (p < 0.001), respectively) and 4) the variables coordinately predicted the driving of high–performance organization were transformational leadership, adaptive organizational culture and participation, accounting for 72.9% (R2 = 0.729, p < 0.001).

Author Biographies

Parinda Traiyawong, Neonatal intensive care unit, Nong Khai Hospital

Registered Nurse, Neonatal intensive care unit, Nong Khai Hospital

Sompratthana Dapha Dapha, Corresponding author, Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University

Corresponding author, Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University


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How to Cite

Traiyawong P, Dapha SD. Influencing Factors in High–Performance Organizations Perceived by Executive Nurses at General Hospitals in Health Region 8. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Jan. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];26(3):61-7. available from: