Development Outcomes of Registered Nurse’s Competency in Mukdahan Hospital


  • Sompit Ngaoket Mukdahan Hospital
  • Papassiri Tubsuri Mukdahan Hospital
  • Petchsamorn Meetham Mukdahan Hospital
  • Kanjana Wonginta Mukdahan Hospital


Registered nurse, Outcome of competency development, Registered nurse’s competency


              This descriptive study aimed to study the competency of 279 registered nurses and the competency development outcome. The research was conducted from October 2021 to December 2022. The research instrument was the questionnaire for 8 aspects of nurse’s competency. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.80. Data were analyzed by the statistical program.             

              The clinical risk incidence in Mukdahan hospital reported in fiscal year 2020–2022 before development were as follow; the maternal death were 1, 3 and 2 cases, urinary tract infections from urinary catheter insertion accounted were 1.92%, 1.15% and 1.78%, ventilator–induced pneumonia were 2.36%, 2.13% and 2.05% percent and complaints about service behavior were 101, 156 and 80 complaints, respectively. The competency assessment found that the highest mean score of competency was the 7th competency; technology and information aspect which was at the very good level in 2 issues (x ̅ = 4.96, S.D. = 0.18) and at good level in 3 issues (x ̅ = 4.00, S.D. = 0.00). The 8th competency; social aspect (x ̅ = 4.00, S.D. = 0.00) and the 1st competency; ethics, code of conduct and law aspect (x ̅ = 3.63, S.D. = 0.48) were at good level. The 2nd competency; nursing and midwifery, 3rd competency; professional features and 4th competency; leadership, management and quality control were at moderate level. The 5th competency; Academic and research and 6th competency; communication and relationships were at low level.                       

                After 29 projects were implemented in Mukdahan hospital, consisted of 1) Operational 11 projects 2) Academic 15 projects and 3) Nursing supervision 3 projects, there was no incidence of postpartum maternal death, the urinary tract infections decreased by 1.05%, ventilator–associated pneumonia decreased 1.90%, academic research and innovation increased 27.02% and the complaints of service behavior decreased 27.0%. The results from this study should be used as a guideline for further training programs to develop the registered nurse’s competency for patient care.

Author Biographies

Sompit Ngaoket, Mukdahan Hospital

Registered Nurse (Senior Professional Level), Chief of Nursing, Mukdahan Hospital

Papassiri Tubsuri, Mukdahan Hospital

Registered Nurse (Professional Level), Nursing Department, Mukdahan Hospital

Petchsamorn Meetham, Mukdahan Hospital

Registered Nurse (Professional Level), Nursing Department, Mukdahan Hospital

Kanjana Wonginta, Mukdahan Hospital

Registered Nurse (Professional Level), Nursing Department, Mukdahan Hospital


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How to Cite

Ngaoket S, Tubsuri P, Meetham P, Wonginta K. Development Outcomes of Registered Nurse’s Competency in Mukdahan Hospital. J Sakon Nak Hosp [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 25 [cited 2024 Sep. 17];26(1):101-14. Available from:



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