Development of the District Health Board Operational Model, Phonphisai district, Nong Khai province
The operational model, the district health broad (DHB), UCCARE evaluationAbstract
This action research aimed to study the operational model of the District Health Board (DHB) in Phonphisai District, Nong Khai province. Data were collected using the interviewing forms and focus group discussions from October 2022 to April 2023. One hundred and sixty–three participants from the DHB and the sub–district health board (SDHB) were enrolled. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D.) and paired sample t–tests. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis based on the Kemmis and McTaggart theory.
The research findings showed that, the operational model of DHB consisted of 1) the appointment of the DHB and SDHB 2) the analysis of local problems 3) the formulation of strategies and action plans 4) mission coordination, role determination and potential development 5) integration with network partners 6) continuous follow–up and results reporting and 7) the exchange of operational results knowledge. The development results showed that the DHB and the SDHB (96.32%) had high level of knowledge and understanding about DHB and SDHB operations ( = 18.67, S.D. = 1.379, p < 0.05). Their involvement in the operation and satisfaction were increased to a high level (
= 4.34, S.D. = 0.689, p < 0.05 and
= 4.38, S.D. = 0.654, p < 0.05, respectively). The operation was done in two selected issues, the prevention and solution of drug problems in the community and road traffic accidents. The evaluation results based on UCCARE criteria was passed with the score of 4 points. The key success factors included the active participation, potential development, executives’ focus, local–level based problems, integrated map, assigned roles and the appointment of the DHB and SDHB to monitor and exchange knowledge.
This research suggested that the DHB and SDHB development models should serve as a driving force in tackling other issues and implementing success factors in their operations.
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บทความที่ตีพิมพ์ถือว่าเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสารโรงพยาบาลสกลนคร การคัดลอกเพื่อพัฒนาเชิงวิชาการต้องได้รับการอ้างอิงอย่างถูกต้อง