Prevalence and Factors Relating to the Burden Feelings and Concerns among the Caregivers of the Elderly and Dependent People for the COVID–19 Situation at Naveng Public Health Community Center


  • Duangjai Jirasawattrakul Social Medicine Work Group, Sakon Nakhon Hospital
  • Patcharin Wongsrida Public Health Service Center, Sakon Nakhon Municipalit


Caregiver burden feelings, Elderly and dependent people, COVID–19


This cross–sectional survey research aimed to study the prevalence and factors related to the burden feelings and concern among the caregivers of the elderly and dependent people for the COVID–19 situation at Naveng Public Health Community Center from Nov., 2022 to Sep., 2023. The study group consisted of 60 caregivers of the elderly and dependent people who had Barthel Activities of Daily Living (ADL) less than or equal to 11points (home–bound, bed–bound). Data were collected by using the questionnaires, including general information of caregivers, knowledge in caring for the elderly and dependent people, burden feeling interview and concern to COVID–19 situation. The questionnaire reliability evaluated by the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were 0.80, 0.92 and 0.87, respectively. Data were analyzed by using the percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi–square and Fisher’s exact test.

The results showed that 78.3% of caregivers were female, average age was 54 years old and 55.0% of them had average caring time > 8 hours/day. The maximum time of giving care was 40 years. Most of them (95.0%) had the rest time from 1 to 8 hours per days, mean 7.42 hours. The burden feeling of caregivers were reported at 76.7%. There were statistically significant relationships between concern about COVID –19 situation and caregiver burden feelings (p = 0.028). The results suggest that the assessment form of burden feeling among caregivers of the elderly and dependent people should be promoted. The early detection of burden feelings could lead to find the causes and correct appropriately.

Author Biographies

Duangjai Jirasawattrakul, Social Medicine Work Group, Sakon Nakhon Hospital

Medical Doctor (Senior Professional level), Social Medicine Work Group, Sakon Nakhon Hospital

Patcharin Wongsrida, Public Health Service Center, Sakon Nakhon Municipalit

Registered Nurse (Professional Level), Public Health Service Center, Sakon Nakhon Municipalit


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How to Cite

Jirasawattrakul D, Wongsrida P. Prevalence and Factors Relating to the Burden Feelings and Concerns among the Caregivers of the Elderly and Dependent People for the COVID–19 Situation at Naveng Public Health Community Center. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Jan. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];26(3):27-36. available from: