Situation Analysis of Coaching of Operating Room Nurses in Khon Kaen Hospital


  • Kullapat Khotbuddee Operating Room, Khon Kaen Hospital
  • Sompratthana Dapha Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University


Situation analysis, Coaching, Operating room nurses


The objectives of this action research were to explore the situation analysis of coaching of operating room nurses in Khon Kaen hospital and study the problems, obstacles and recommendations in their coaching. This research was carried out from December, 2021 to March, 2022. The samples were registered nurses who had worked in operating room. They were selected using the purposive sampling method and classified into 3 groups; 1) seven registered nurses who had worked in operating room for at least 5 years 2) thirty registered nurses who had been taught and worked in operating room for no more than 3 years and 3) three head nurse of nursing department or operating room. The research instruments verified for content validity by the five experts including the personal information and the questionnaire guide for in–depth interviews and group discussion about the coaching situation, the problems, obstacles and recommendations from coaching nurses in operating room. The data were analyzed using the statistics; frequency and percentage and the content analysis; classified, interpreted and summarized.

The findings found that 1) the coaching method of operating room nurses at Khon Kaen hospital for the novice nurses were the orientation, on–the–job training, personal coaching and pre and post – working meetings and 2) the problems and obstacles in coaching included: the problem of coaching policy, the different in coaching guidelines, the lack of coaching manuals, the lack of preparation of nurse mentors and the lack of participation in coaching.

This study suggests that 1) the coaching program should be set as an organization policy 2) the coaching course or approaches should be set into the same standard and 3) the Growth mind set among the teams should be developed.

Author Biographies

Kullapat Khotbuddee, Operating Room, Khon Kaen Hospital

Registered Nurse (Professional Level), Operating Room, Khon Kaen Hospital

Sompratthana Dapha, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University

Department of Study Research and Administration of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen


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How to Cite

Khotbuddee K, Dapha S. Situation Analysis of Coaching of Operating Room Nurses in Khon Kaen Hospital. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Jan. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];26(3):83-95. available from: