The Development of Coaching Model to Enhance In–charge Nurse Competency in Neonatal Intensive Unit 1, Khon Kaen Hospital


  • Dara Kumwaen Khon Kaen University
  • Sompratthana Dapha Khon Kaen University


Development of Coaching Model, Competency of In–charge nurses, Neonatal intensive care unit


This action research aimed to develop the Coaching model to increase competency of Incharge nurses in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 1, Khon Kaen Hospital. The target group were 7 Coacher and 7 Coachee. His research was carried out form May, 2023 to October, 2023. The research process consisted of 4 steps as follows: 1) Planning includes situation analysis, designing, and development of the Coaching model.2) implementation of Coaching model 3) Observation of the Coaching process, and 4) Reflection or assessment of Coaching model. The research tools were 1) competency assessment for incharge nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 1, Khon Kaen Hospital with content validity of 0.97. The cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.96 and 2) the behavior observation record. Data were analyed using statistics, frequecy, percentage, maen and Wilcoxon signed rank test statistics.

The study revealed that the developed Coaching model to enhance competency of Incharge nurses in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 1, Khon Kaen Hospital. Consisted of 1) the system or process for Coaching model of Incharge nurse was the PISE model, consisting of 4 components as follows. (1) P - Prepare of principle. ( 2) I - Incharge nurse and knowledge. (3) S - Skill. (4) : E - Evaluation. 2) Coaching process for Incharge nurse. In the GROW model for 6 activities: (1) receiving and handing over shifts, (2) patient visit and risk assessment (quick round), (3) nursing practice, (4) managing manpower and and assigning work, (5) supervision and follow up after a performance, and (6) recording service information and forwarding information. In addition, after the implementtation of developed coaching model for incharge nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 1, Khon Kaen Hospital discovered that the inchare nurse’s competency statistically significant increased after using Coaching model at the 0.05 level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.12, S.D. = 0.09).

Author Biographies

Dara Kumwaen, Khon Kaen University

Registered Nurse, Neonatal intensive care unit. Khon Kaen Hospital

Sompratthana Dapha, Khon Kaen University

Corresponding author, Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University


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How to Cite

Kumwaen D, Dapha S. The Development of Coaching Model to Enhance In–charge Nurse Competency in Neonatal Intensive Unit 1, Khon Kaen Hospital. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];27(1):83-94. available from:



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