Nursing Care for Patients with Pneumonia Caused by COVID–19 Infection with Respiratory Failure: 2 Case Studies


  • Jeerawan Sirimontri Sakonnakhon hospital


Pneumonia, Respiratory failure, COVID–19 infection, Nursing care


                 The COVID–19 infection is a health problem that severely affects the respiratory system leading to pneumonia, respiratory failure and death. It increases patient’s hospitalization days, may lead to adverse events, and incurs higher treatment costs. This study aimed to study the implementation of nursing care according to FANCAS nursing concepts together with Orem’s self–care theory in nursing care for two cases of patients with pneumonia and respiratory failure caused by COVID–19 infection, treated in the new infectious disease intensive care unit of Sakon Nakhon hospital between February,
2023 and July, 2023. Data collection tools included record form of important symptoms, laboratory results, treatment, nursingcare reviewedfrom medical records, patientsandtheir relatives toestablish diagnoses, nursing care plan, summarize, and outcomes evaluation.

             The two cases studies had similarities in disease pathophysiology and progression. They were the elderly patients with comorbidities and immunocompromised status. When FANCAS nursing concepts and Orem’s self–care theory as a nursing system were implemented to assist in patient care in order to meet the needs of patients who unable to care for themselves, addressing self–care deficits in physical, psychological, emotional and social aspects through comprehensive substitution system in
which all nursing care activities were performed by nurses, the partially substitution system which the activities were performed collaboratively between nurses and patients and the support and education system which nurses played the role in teaching and guiding the patients. Both cases studies did not develop complications such as deterioration during treatment, acute respiratory failure, severe
bloodstream infections, lung rupture, increased lung rupture, or COVID–19 spread. The duration of hospitalization in the new infectiousdisease intensive careunit was10daysaccordingtothe treatment plan.

Author Biography

Jeerawan Sirimontri, Sakonnakhon hospital

Registered Nurse, Emerging Infectious Diseases Intensive Care Unit, Sakon Nakhon Hospital


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How to Cite

Sirimontri J. Nursing Care for Patients with Pneumonia Caused by COVID–19 Infection with Respiratory Failure: 2 Case Studies. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];27(1):106-18. available from:



Case Report