Helminthiases Situation at the Lower Huai Luang River Basin Development Project, Nong Khai Province (in the area of Udon Thani Province)


  • Ampas Wisetmora division of communicable disease
  • Oranard Watthanawong Office of Diseases Prevention and Control 4 Saraburi, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • Thitima Wongsaroj Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • Nutnicha Onklay Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • Choosak Nithikatekul aculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Helminthiasis, Water source development project, Liver fluke


              Parasitic infection surveillance and control project to solve the problem of the impact on the spread of parasitic helminths, under the integrated water resource management plan Lower Huai Luang River Basin Development Project Nong Khai Province, fiscal year 2023 (In the area of Udon Thani Province). The objective of this study was to determine helminthic infections in the people and zoonotic helminthiasis in the reservoir animals including dogs, cats, cows, buffalo, and goats that reside in the high–risk communities within the project area, as well as survey the health behaviors of people at risk of infecting and spreading helminthiases (blood fluke, liver fluke, intestinal fluke, soil–transmitted helminth, etc.). Results of stool examination and surveys are summarized as follows:

               1) Results of people’s stool examinations: It was discovered that 14.22% of the 914 samples were infected with helminths and intestinal protozoa. Seven different helminth types were found infectedin thepopulation; the three most common ones were liverflukes (7.99%), Taenia spp. (1.86%) and minute intestinal flukes (1.20%).
               2) Results of reservoir hosts stool examination: Out of the 481 samples obtained, 42.83% had helminth and protozoa infections. Intestinal helminth and protozoan infections were found in 61.21%of cats, 49.38% of cattle, 45.05% of dogs, and 32.53% of buffalo. There are 3 helminth types that can cause a disease in humans including hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum), tapeworm (Spirometra
mansoni) and liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini).

                This studydid notfindanyinstancesof human bloodflukein either humansoranimals. However, liver fluke infection remains a significant health concern in the area, with a prevalence exceeding 5%. Liver flukes are capable of causing hepatobiliary cancer and can successfully complete their life cycle within this area. Additionally, various helminthic eggs were not only found in humans but also in
reservoir animals. Dogs and cats exhibited the highest prevalence of detected zoonotic helminth eggs. In this regard, the surveillance, prevention, and control of helminthic infection and transmission need to conducted in this area, especially liver flukes.

Author Biographies

Oranard Watthanawong, Office of Diseases Prevention and Control 4 Saraburi, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

Office of Diseases Prevention and Control 4 Saraburi, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

Thitima Wongsaroj, Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health,

Nutnicha Onklay, Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health,

Choosak Nithikatekul, aculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, Thailand

Tropical Health Innovation, Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


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How to Cite

Wisetmora A, Watthanawong O, Wongsaroj T, Onklay N, Nithikatekul C. Helminthiases Situation at the Lower Huai Luang River Basin Development Project, Nong Khai Province (in the area of Udon Thani Province). J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];27(1):95-105. available from: https://he05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSakonNakHosp/article/view/1302



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