The Effect of Case Management of Psychiatric Drug Patients at High Risk of Violence (SMI–V) at Jaisawang Ward in Sakon Nakhon Hospital


  • Parichat Khunsri Sakon Nakhon Hospital


Case management, Psychiatric drug addict patients with serious mental illness with high risk to violence (SMI–V), Mental illness, Overall ability


Thisquasi–experimental research,one–group pretest–posttest design aimed to study the outcome of case management for psychiatric drug addict patients with serious mental illness with high risk to violence (SMI–V) admitted to the Jaisawang ward Sakon Nakhon hospital. Thirty–three patients were diagnosed as SMI–V drug psychiatric patients from October 2023 to December 2023. The research tools consisted of 1) Psychiatric symptom assessment scale (BPRS) 2) Overall ability assessment form
(GAF) and 3) care according to the concept of case management using a care plan. It is a system of organizing patient care to meet their needs. There is a person responsible for the care system who isthe patient care manager. Data were analyzed using the statistics included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent t–test.

             The result showedthat after receiving the care program basedon the case management concept for patient care, the mean psychiatric symptom score (BPRS) was significantly lower than that before receiving the care program (p < 0.001) while the mean overall ability assessment was significantly higher than thatbefore receivingthe careprogram (p < 0.001). The careprogram basedon the concept of case management could help SMI–V psychiatric drug patients to have a better overall ability level, BPRS score of less than 36 points, improved mental symptoms score and reduce the recurrence of psychotic symptoms or reduce the severity of mental symptoms.

                SMI–V psychiatric drug patients are considered patients with complex problems. There fore, nurses should collect data, analyze and plan for nursing activities and evaluate in a comprehensive and appropriate manner to assess risks. The goal is to keep patients be safe from mental illness and decrease the risk of causing violence to themselves and others.

Author Biography

Parichat Khunsri, Sakon Nakhon Hospital

Registered Nurse, Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Sakon Nakhon Hospital


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How to Cite

Khunsri P. The Effect of Case Management of Psychiatric Drug Patients at High Risk of Violence (SMI–V) at Jaisawang Ward in Sakon Nakhon Hospital. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];27(1):68-82. available from:



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