The Effects of Practice Program to Prevent Delirium in Patient with Surgical Critical Care


  • Pitinut Ratchapakdee Faculty of nursing Ratchathani university
  • Chuen Inla
  • Ladda Pimsri
  • Rattiya Meechai


Delirium, Surgical critical care, Prevention, Practice program


              This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of practice program to prevent delirium in patient with surgical critical care. The samples groups recruited by purposive sampling consisted were 1) 14 registered nurses worked in surgical intensive care unit 2 and 2) 30 patients with surgical critical care admitted in surgical intensive care unit 2. The research instruments included 1) practice program to prevent delirium in patient with surgical critical care 2) registered nurse’s data collection form, the evaluation questionnaire for knowledge and practice behavior and satisfaction assessment to the practice program and 3) patient ‘s data collection form. The content validity of all instruments analyzed by the index of item-objective congruence were 0.85 to 1. Data was analyzed by using the descriptive statistics: percentage, mean and standard deviation. The different comparison was analyzed by the Wilcoxon sign-rank test.

               The results of the research found that after participation in the practice program to prevent delirium in patient with surgical critical care 1) the mean scores of knowledge and behavior in practicing to prevent delirium of nurse participants were 16.43 (SD = 2.28) and 68.14 (SD = 2.18), respectively, which was significantly higher than before receiving the program at the 0.05 level 2) the incidence of delirium in patients with surgical critical care after program implementation was not occurred and 3) the overall nurses' s satisfaction with the practice program was at high level (Mean = 4.15, SD = 0.61). Therefore, this program should be further applied in practice to prevent delirium in other critical care wards with similar characteristics of patients.


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How to Cite

Ratchapakdee P, Inla C, Pimsri L, Meechai R. The Effects of Practice Program to Prevent Delirium in Patient with Surgical Critical Care. J Sakon Nak Hosp [internet]. 2024 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];27(2):56-69. available from:



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